
Number of items: 18.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of Korpinen2022_Article_FoodWebAssessmentsInTheBalticS.pdf]

Korpinen, S., Uusitalo, L., Nordström, M. C., Dierking, J. , Tomczak, M. T., Haldin, J., Opitz, S., Bonsdorff, E. and Neuenfeldt, S. (2022) Food web assessments in the Baltic Sea: Models bridging the gap between indicators and policy needs. Open Access Ambio, 51 . pp. 1687-1697. DOI 10.1007/s13280-021-01692-x.

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Eero, M. , Dierking, J. , Humborg, C., Undeman, E., MacKenzie, B. R. , Ojaveer, H. , Salo, T. and Köster, F. W. (2021) Use of food web knowledge in environmental conservation and management of living resources in the Baltic Sea. Open Access ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (8). pp. 2645-2663. DOI 10.1093/icesjms/fsab145.

Ojaveer, H., Kotta, J., Outinen, O., Einberg, H., Zaiko, A. and Lehtiniemi, M. (2021) Meta-analysis on the ecological impacts of widely spread non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 786 . Art.Nr. 147375. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147375.

[thumbnail of 17451000.2021.1964532]

Stoltenberg, I. , Dierking, J. , Müller-Navarra, D. C. and Javidpour, J. (2021) Review of jellyfish trophic interactions in the Baltic Sea. Open Access Marine Biology Research, 17 (4). pp. 311-326. DOI 10.1080/17451000.2021.1964532.

Einberg, H. , Klais-Peets, R. , Põllumäe, A., Ojaveer, H. and Koski, M. (2020) Taxon-specific prey response to the invasion of a pelagic invertebrate predator, revealed by comparison of pre- and post-invasion time series. Journal of Plankton Research, 42 (6). pp. 714-726. DOI 10.1093/plankt/fbaa048.

[thumbnail of ece3.6502.pdf] [thumbnail of ece36502-sup-0001-supinfo.docx]

Larsen, T. , Hansen, T. and Dierking, J. (2020) Characterizing niche differentiation among marine consumers with amino acid δ 13 C fingerprinting . Open Access Ecology and Evolution, 10 (14). pp. 7768-7782. DOI 10.1002/ece3.6502.

Einberg, H. , Klais, R., Rubene, G., Kornilovs, G., Putnis, I., Ojaveer, H. and Fields, D. (2019) Multidecadal dynamics of the Arctic copepod Limnocalanus macrurus in relation to environmental variability in the Baltic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76 (7). pp. 2427-2436. DOI 10.1093/icesjms/fsz101.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of BONUS XWEBS WP4 policy brief final.pdf]

Köster, F., Dierking, J. , Neuenfeldt, S. and Eero, M. and EU BONUS XWEBS team (2021) BONUS XWEBS policy brief No. 4.: Use and usefulness of food web knowledge in resource management and marine environmental conservation. Open Access . EU BONUS project XWEBS, Kiel, Germany, 4 pp. DOI 10.3289/XWEBS_Policy_brief_4.

Dierking, J. , Winder, M., Lindegren, M., Temming, A., Neuenfeldt, S., Eglite, E., Mohm, C., Tomkiewicz, J., Reusch, T. B. H. and Nordstroem, M. C. (2020) Report on tools and concepts to support the Baltic food web research of the future. . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D2.1 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 61 + 2 Appendices pp. DOI 10.3289/XWEBS_D2.1.

Neuenfeldt, S., Nordström, M. C., Dierking, J. , Uusitalo, L., Tomczak, M. T., Haldin, J., Opitz, S., Bonsdorff, E. and Ojaveer, H. (2020) Synthesis and perspective manuscript on food web indicators and model applicability. . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D3.3 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 6 + 1 Appendix pp.

[thumbnail of Neuenfeldt et al 2020 - BONUS XWEBS D3.2 food web models.pdf]

Neuenfeldt, S., Ojaveer, H., Opitz, S., Tomczak, M. and Dierking, J. (2020) Review of trophic models for the Baltic Sea. Open Access . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D3.2 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 22 pp. DOI 10.3289/XWEBS_D3.2.

Nordström, M., Salo, T., Blenckner, T., Bonsdorff, E., Jacob, U., Kortsch, S., Lindegren, M. and Dierking, J. (2020) Review of structural and functional changes of Baltic Sea food webs and ecosystems under climate and anthropogenic drivers. . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D1.2 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 24 pp.

Ojaveer, H., Kotta, J., Lehtiniemi, M., Zaiko, A., Outinen, O., Einberg, H., Põldma, M. and Dierking, J. (2020) Report on the past, current and future role of non-indigenous species in Baltic food webs. . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D1.1 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 28 + 2 Appendices pp.

[thumbnail of Ojaveer et al 2020 - BONUS XWEBS D3.1 food web indicators.pdf]

Ojaveer, H., Neuenfeldt, S., Eero, M. and Uusitalo, L. (2020) Review of food web indicators for the Baltic Sea. Open Access . BONUS XWEBS Deliverable, D3.1 . EU BONUS project XWEBS, 16 pp. DOI 10.3289/XWEBS_D3.1.

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